Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Bible is God's attempt to "friend" us

Facebook: The Original Version
by Greg Asimakoupoulos

It's a book of faces (leatherbound)
in which I've looked and where I've found profiles in courage, downcast eyes and blemished skin like mine.

Adam's wrinkled face is old
and Moses' face is fierce and bold,
while David's ruddy countenance suggests a poet's soul.

In Esther I see bravery.

In Ruth I see true loyalty.

But in poor Job's revealing brow I see the scars of pain.

The Virgin Mary has a glow
while Judas' head is hanging low.

The way each person faces up to truth is clearly seen.

In Peter, Paul and Timothy each face reveals the likes of me...
afraid and flawed yet claiming faith reflected in their eyes.

But most of all there is a face in whom I see amazing grace.

His smile pictures haunting love that seeks until it finds.

This Facebook finds God friending me just as I am without one plea.

It's bound to be the means by which I recognize His face.

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